Top 5 Steps for Your At-Home Beard-Care Routine

Most of
us have witnessed that our morning runs on auto-pilot with brushing, spitting, and rinsing. Everything works fine and you know precisely how long it takes to get ready each morning.

One fine morning you decide to grow a beard without visiting any of the haircuts shops. Then your total routine goes for a toss. You must be wondering about ways to obtain the most from your beard without wasting additional time stressing over it. It could be confusing whether it’s beard oil first and then balm. Most importantly the perfect time to comb is unknown. 

In this article, we’ve identified 5 important steps for an at-home beard care regimen that’s easy and quick to adhere to and the results speak volumes for themselves. In an Anaheim barbershop, they’ve prepared a sequence that one needs to follow.  

  1. 1. Brushing 

At the very outset brush your beard dry before your shower. 

Apply a boar bristle brush for peeling off and bringing any dandruff to the surface. You should slowly brush against and across the grain for optimum results. When you’re susceptible to dry skin and dandruff, you’ll witness it settling on the tips of your bristles. However, this makes it convenient to wash off in the shower. 

Then apply a rubber brush with soft ends on the bristles that don’t irritate your skin. Rub the skin softly under your beard in a circular motion to stimulate blood flow and the follicles. Overall, you’ll have a good feeling.  

  1. 2. Trimming 

Although the second step need not be done daily, it is to trim your beard. 

You don’t have to trim your entire beard. But you need to maintain its clean appearance by trimming the mustache line and shaving the neck and upper cheeks. 

Whenever you need to trim your entire beard or if you feel nervous about doing it alone, then visit the nearest barbershop in Anaheim. Being professionals, their guys and gals are skilled artists who can do wonders with your beard. 

This step may seem easier before showering as wet hair is longer than dry one. You may end up over-trimming wet hair. 

Regardless of whether you use a trimmer or scissors, ensure that your tools are clean enough and sharp as well. If you use blunt instruments in your beard, then it might backfire. Instead of a neat cut, the hair gets broken off and you’ll be left with torn ends that may split.  

  1. 3. Washing 

Hopefully, you know the significance of hygiene for you. What you may not realize is that your beard can become dirtier than other parts of your body and requires extra attention. 

Unlike hair, you are most likely to touch your beard repeatedly throughout the day by yourself. Accordingly, all the germs from door knobs, latches, car steering wheels, and laptop keyboards are promptly woven into your facial hair. 

And don’t ignore the residual food and drink left on your whiskers irrespective of how careful you are.  

Apply mild, natural shampoo and lather up. Cover your entire beard. Minimize the water temperature for this step to lukewarm or cool as hot water dries your skin and causes dandruff. 

Pat your beard dry rather than vigorously toweling it dry to avoid damage. 

While blow-drying your hair, never apply hot air as this dries out each strand right to the base and makes them breakable. They’re likely to split. Apply the coolest setting available or pat dry with a towel.  

  1. 4. Applying Beard Oil & Balms 

After the completion of your shower, use your favorite beard oil or beard balm and massage it thoroughly into your beard. 

Unlike thick moisturizing cream, oil is sufficiently light to go through the hair and coat your skin, leaving it hydrated and preserved.  

These products lock moisture into your hair and hydrate your skin too.  

  1. 5. Brushing & Styling 

After applying your oil or balm, take your beard brush and evenly spread the product across the beard. 

Apply soft, long strokes, going against the grain and side-to-side to ensure everything is covered. The last step is to shape your beard the way you want it. 

Utilize a small ball of mustache wax to position your mustache properly.  


Don’t overdo anything as has been observed among the recently bearded. 

Even the longest beards from the best barbershop don’t have to be brushed more than 3-4 times per day. Check that the teeth on your comb are adequately spaced so as not to tug your beard and hasten split ends. 



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